We are the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers

The CIBSE has the vision of promotion the art, science and practice of building
services engineering for the benefit of all, and the advancement of education
and research in building services engineering.

We are the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers

The CIBSE has the vision of promotion the art, science and practice of building
services engineering for the benefit of all, and the advancement of education
and research in building services engineering.

We are the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers

The CIBSE has the vision of promotion the art, science and practice of building
services engineering for the benefit of all, and the advancement of education
and research in building services engineering.

We are the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers

The CIBSE has the vision of promotion the art, science and practice of building
services engineering for the benefit of all, and the advancement of education
and research in building services engineering.

We are the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers

The CIBSE has the vision of promotion the art, science and practice of building
services engineering for the benefit of all, and the advancement of education
and research in building services engineering.

We are the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers

The CIBSE has the vision of promotion the art, science and practice of building
services engineering for the benefit of all, and the advancement of education
and research in building services engineering.

We are the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers

The CIBSE has the vision of promotion the art, science and practice of building
services engineering for the benefit of all, and the advancement of education
and research in building services engineering.

about us CIBSE Hong Kong Region

The CIBSE Hong Kong Region is one of the largest CIBSE regions and has about 2,800 members. CIBSE HKR represents CIBSE in Hong Kong, especially with respect to membership development, public image and co-ordination with other learned societies in Hong Kong......
training Our Events
26/04/2025 - 29/04/2025 Technical Visit to CR EXPO 2025, Shanghai

ACRA, CIBSE-HKR and HKAEE are jointly organizing a technical visit from 26 to 29 April 2025 for 4 days to Shanghai PRC. In this occasion, our visiting team will visit the China Refrigeration Expo 2025 (CR2025) (中國制冷展 2025) and HVAC product factories which are in liaison for confirmation. China Refrigeration today has developed to become an exhibition for international HVAC&R market, which attracts not only local but also overseas exhibitors and participants from more than 30 countries and regions. This is an opportunity for the members to explore the technical exchange and development of the technology, product standards and market trend of the industry. The maximum number of participants is 30 and application will be accepted on a first-come-first- serve basis. You are strongly encouraged to make prompt registration, to facilitate the booking of air tickets and hotel rooms, by completing the attached Registration Form (one per participant) and returning it to info@acra.org.hk or fax at 2598 0102 by 28 February 2025. Preliminary Itinerary 26 Apr 2025 (Sat) - Hong Kong International Airport to Shanghai - Hotel Check in 27 Apr 2025 (Sun) - Visit to China Refrigeration Expo (www.cr-expo.com) 28 Apr 2025 (Mon) - Technical visit to Trox and Belimo (Tentative) 29 Apr 2025 (Tue) - Technical visit to Grundfos (Tentative) and to Shanghai Int’ll Airport and H.K. Fee option A: HK$6,980 per person, Full trip with single bedroom B: HK$4,500 per person, NO air ticket but with single bedroom C: HK$5,980 per person, Full trip with shared twin bedroom D: HK$2,000 per person, NO air ticket & bedroom, join trip only Hotel  3 nights at a four stars or above hotel, to be confirmed. (Remark: detailed itinerary, flight & etc. will be confirmed in due time)

16/04/2025 - 16/04/2025 Webinar on Property Management Industry Licensing Regime and Regulatory Measures 物業管理業發牌制度及規管事宜網上講座

The PMSA is the statutory body established under the Property Management Services Ordinance (Cap. 626) and aims to encourage and assist property management (PM) companies (PMC) and PM practitioners (PMP) in striving for enhancement in professionalism and quality. Under the licensing regime, which has been fully implemented since 1 August 2023, more than 800 PMCs and 15,000 PMPs have been licensed. This recognition definitely gives a competitive edge to someone who wish to pursue a career in the PM industry. To set standards and increase the transparency of work practices in the PM industry, PMSA has developed various “Codes of Conduct” and “Best Practice Guides,” which also help raise public awareness of the operation of the PM industry.  監管局是根據《物業管理服務條例》(第626章)成立的法定組織,旨在鼓勵和協助物業管理公司(物管公司)及物業管理人(物管人)努力提升專業水平和質素。發牌制度自2023年8月1日起全面實施,已有800多間物管公司及15,000名物管人領有牌照。該專業認證無疑為有意投身物管業的人士提供競爭優勢。為了訂立物管業的標準並提高物管工作的透明度,監管局已制定一系列“操守守則”和“良好作業指南”,這也有助於提高公眾對物管工作的認識。All members of the CIBSE HKR are encouraged to participate in the webinar.歡迎英國屋宇裝備工程師學會香港分會的所有會員參加。