09 December 2023
CIBSE-HKR Newsletter – 2024 February
As we joyously welcome the Year of the Dragon during this auspicious Chinese New Year, I would like to extend my warmest greetings to you and your loved ones. May this magnificent year bring you abundant blessings, prosperity, and success in all your endeavors! The Dragon, a symbol of power, wisdom, and good fortune, holds a special significance in Chinese culture. As members of the building services engineering community, we too strive to embody these qualities in our work, ensuring the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of the built environment. One of our key goals is to raise CIBSE&rsq...

06 November 2023
Property Management Services Authority Announces Professional Body Recognised
Property Management Services Authority
Announces Professional Body Recognised
The Property Management Services Authority (PMSA) announced today that the Honorary Fellows, Fellows and Members of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Hong Kong Region have been added to its list of Recognised Professional Bodies (RPBs). These memberships are in compliance with the requirement concerning professional qualification for the Property Management Practitioner (PMP) (Tier 1) licence issued by the PMSA.
Chairperson of the PMSA Dr James WONG said, “The PMSA welcome...

01 May 2023
CIBSE-HKR Newsletter – 2023 (May)
It is my great honour and pleasure to be elected as the Chair of the CIBSE Hong Kong Region in the session 2023/24 and it is my sincere gratitude to all past Chairs and Honorary Advisors for their dedication, guidance, and tremendous mentoring throughout the years...

01 August 2017
CIBSE-HKR Newsletter – 2017 (Aug)
This is a very special session, we are proud to have our CIBSE President, Mr. Peter Y WONG, from Hong Kong for the first time. It is my great honour and pleasure being the Chair of the CIBSE Hong Kong Branch in the session 2017/18 and presented together with Past Chairs of CIBSE Hong Kong Branch to Peter’s Inauguration in London. His Presidential Address calling for “Reach Out” and “Spread CIBSE Message” has enlightened us to bring more members on broad and to bring in knowledge as well as letting the industry to see caliber of CIBSE members... This is a very spec...

01 January 2017
CIBSE-HKR Newsletter – 2017
Dear Fellow Members, In the past months of this session, the Committee, YEN and Shanghai Panel have worked hard in organizing various events for members. Major events including Joint Symposium and Joint Comprehensive Certificate Course on Plumbing and Drainage Systems have been successfully organized with active participation by members and practitioners...

01 August 2016
CIBSE-HKR Newsletter – 2016
It is my honour and pleasure to take up the position as the Chair of the CIBSE Hong Kong Branch for the session 2016-2017. Together with our capable committee members and YEN members, we strive to provide quality services to our members and to uphold the professionalism and reputation of CIBSE in the society...

01 October 2015
CIBSE-HKR Newsletter – 2015
It is my great honour and pleasure to be elected as the Chair of the CIBSE Hong Kong Branch for the session 2015-2016. It will be a challenging and exciting job right ahead of me to serve over 2,600 CIBSE members in Hong Kong...

01 November 2014
CIBSE-HKR Newsletter – 2014
Message from the Chair: I am much delighted in taking up the Chair of the Hong Kong Branch by following the tradition to looking for the delivery of excellent supports to members and the long term growth of the CIBSE businesses in the region...