CIBSE One-day Seminar on Renewable Energy New Development and Technologies in Hong Kong
Date/Time: 13/12/2018 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Venue: Chiang Chen studio theatre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Categories: Past Events
Enquiry: Email:
Organised by: CIBSE HK Branch


Renewable energy (RE) Feed-in-tariff (“FiT) is recently established and promoted to the community in Hong Kong. The scheme of Feed-in-tariff refers to a policy mechanism that aims to promote the uptake of renewable energy. The two power companies will be required to purchase electricity generated from renewable sources from residential/business users whose PV/wind power system is connected to public grid. The idea behind this “feed-in tariff” is to shorten the payback period of the investment and entice more residents and companies to make such purchases, increasing the share of clean energy in the city’s primarily fossil fuel-based power generation. With a new policy scheme that comprises FiTs and renewable energy (RE) certificates, this guaranteed scheme will boost the development of small solar PV systems.

This seminar will provide the most up-to-date information about the renewable energy market and situation in Hong Kong. Our speakers will introduce the development and design of solar power system. Some technical and specific requirements will be addressed and explained. Moreover, the floating photovoltaic systems on reservoirs and ponds overseas which have a growing deployment will also be shared by the experts.
