CIBSE HKB Fundraising to Help the NHS London Hospitals Trust with Urgently Needed PPE
Date/Time: 09/04/2019 - 09/04/2020 12:00 am - 6:00 pm
Categories: Past Events
Enquiry: CIBSE HK Office,
Organised by: CIBSE HK Branch

CIBSE HKB Fundraising to Help the NHS London Hospitals Trust with Urgently Needed PPE

As you may know there is a severe outbreak of COVID-19 in United Kingdom. In response to below message received from CIBSE UK,  the Hong Kong Branch would like to ask for your voluntary donation to help the NHS London Hospitals Trust.

The Trust has asked what might be available of the following equipment:
⦁ FFP3 Respirator Masks
⦁ Full Face Visors (disposable)
⦁ Full Face Visors (reusable)
⦁ Safety Goggles/Glasses
⦁ Hand Sanitiser
⦁ Full Body (Hazardous Material) Suits
⦁ Logistics/Transport support

Our approach is to solicit monetary donations from CIBSE members in Hong Kong for procuring needed items and shipping over to UK as soon as possible.  With assistance from Dr P.L. Yuen, the Branch has already located possible suppliers for safety goggles and hand sanitiser.

We would like to call for CIBSE members in Hong Kong to donate voluntarily (HK$ 1,000 per person as suggested donation).  Our first target is to raise a fund of HK$100,000 by 9 April 2020. If you can help,

1. Please respond by email to and confirm the amount of donation.
2. Please then send your cheque payable to “The Chartered Institution of Building services Engineers Hong Kong Limited” to the following address by 9 April 2020:

The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers Hong Kong Branch
Room 5, Unit C, 20/F., Ford Glory Plaza, 37-39 Wing Hong Street, Cheung Sha Wan
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Attn: CIBSE HKB Secretariat (Donation for PPE to NHS London Hospitals Trust)

3. At the overleaf of the cheque, please kindly state the following information:

a. Name of Donor
b. CIBSE Membership No.
c. Contact Telephone Number & Email Address

4. Once the donation is accepted, a receipt will be sent to you for recognition of your support to CIBSE and Construction Industry in UK later.

This is an important initiative and we encourage anyone who is able to do so to help.  Should you have any query, please feel free to call Keith Ma at 9172 9218 or Raymond KL Chan at 9099 6706.

Best Regards

Keith Ma
Chair (Session 2020/2021)
CIBSE Hong Kong Branch
