Safety Seminar on “Applying ISO 9001:2015 in Temporary Electricity Safety Standard”
Date/Time: 28/03/2018 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Venue: CF302, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Categories: Past Events
Enquiry: Mr. Felix Fung at 9833 2376 or Ms. Kristi Chong at 6734 5622.
Organised by: CIBSE HK Branch (YEN)


Safety has already become the one of the key success factors in the building services industry in line with the society awareness increment and the expectation. It is necessary for a BS engineer to consider the safety elements in their design, construction management and system operation. This seminar aims to allow audiences to learn better BS practices with safety manner by utilizing the past lessons.

In this seminar, the speaker will share the latest safety information, past safety events for the participants to realize the root cause(s) and precaution method(s) of the frequent happened accidents related to Temporary Electrical Installation at construction site in aim to equip the participant with practical experiences with safety awareness.
